The Root of Your Inspiration

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra. It is our source of divine inspiration and connection. Wisdom, bliss, higher consciousness, awareness, and oneness are experienced here.

source: Unsplash

source: Unsplash

The crown chakra enables us to connect to the world beyond the five senses. It allows us to feel and know that we are connected to something beyond the physical realm. It’s our direct connection to source, the universe, the divine (whatever you choose to call it). It’s our connection to our higher self, our unconditioned and eternal self, the divine within us all.

This center communicates through energy. An energy that allows us to feel connected to something bigger than ourselves, that transcends the physical in all ways. It’s where our individual consciousness meets a higher consciousness. Just like the third eye chakra connects us to our inner knowing, having an open connection to our crown allows us to tune into a ‘clear knowing’ that we feel and know to be true without any logical explanation as to how we know this information. This is also experienced through receiving ideas or creative ideas that appear out of nowhere.

When we’re connected to this chakra we can experience a deep connection to the world around us. We understand that we are all interconnected and that everything in the world is interwoven. We know that we are not separate from one another and that our individual actions contribute to the well-being of the collective/one another.

Today’s Practice: A meditation

Take three deep breaths and connect to the stillness within you. Move your attention to your root and feel the connection to the earth below you, deep down into the earth’s heart, its core. Allow this calming energy to rise into your body moving through all of your centers. Once at the crown, imagine a white light raining down from above pouring into your crown, third eye, and down your body through all of your centers. Imagine this white light surrounding your entire body. Rest in this stillness and receive any messages that may come through. When you are ready, open your eyes and take note of any messages or ideas that came through.

Sanskrit Name: Sarhasrara

Location: Crown/top of the head 

Element: No element 

Color: Violet (purple, white, gold)

  • Wear the color violet/white/gold, eat purple/white foods, work with violet/white crystals to strengthen this energy center

Affirmation: I am open divine wisdom. 

Mantra: OM

  • Practice chanting this. The vibration of this sound is said to activate and cleanse this energy center

Sound: ‘ee’ as in me 

  • Practice chanting this sound and focus on the vibration of the sound in your body

Frequency: 963 hz 

  • Know as the “God frequency” this frequency facilities oneness and connection to source. It is said to penetrate the conscious and subconscious mind. Meditate or listen to this frequency (can be found on Spotify or YouTube)

Aromatherapy: Lavender, Frankinsense, Rose, Palo Santo

The Root of Your Vision

image: Allie Mosier

image: Allie Mosier

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra. It is the seat of our wisdom. Our inner knowing. Intuition, imagination, self-awareness & reflection are experienced in this center.

Having an open connection to this chakra allows us to access our inner wisdom. An inner truth and knowing that goes beyond the physical. Our inner knowing is not seen but felt. It’s deep inner wisdom that goes beyond reason and logic. Through stillness, we access our intuition. Through stillness, our intuition speaks to us. It helps us to see beyond our limitations and brings us clarity, peace, and hope.

Our intuition is our inner guidance. Our internal compass. It leads the way and guides us. The visions and messages that our intuition shows us don’t always apply to everyday reason and logic. It transcends all of that and shows us what is possible, what is true. And so, when our intuition reveals itself to us, we can trust and take aligned action, sit with its message or bypass its wisdom and choose to follow a more practical route. No matter what you choose to do with its messages, know that our intuition is always working for us. It can bring us more ease and flow, more lightness.

Our intuition also serves as our witness. It isn’t governed by emotion or thought. It sees beyond the mind. It is still and grounded yet vast. It gifts us with deep realizations, insights, and guidance that is always available to us. It’s the part of us that knows the way and the answer. The access point to our inner wisdom, knowing, and guidance.

Today’s Practice: Your intuition is always speaking to you. What message(s) has your intuition been sending you lately? It could be something as simple as making a shift in your morning or night routine, starting a project you’ve been thinking about, or letting go of something that is no longer in alignment with who you are in this moment. How can you honor this inner knowing and yourself?

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Location: middle of forehead just above the brows 

Element: Light

Color: Indigo 

  • Wear the color indigo, eat indigo/blue foods, work with indigo crystals to strengthen this energy center

Affirmation: I trust my inner guidance 

Mantra: AUM

  • Practice chanting this. The vibration of this sound is said to activate and cleanse this energy center

Sound: ‘aa’ as in say 

  • Practice chanting this sound and focus on the vibration of the sound in your body

Frequency:852 hz 

  • Facilitates in connecting with our intuitive/inner self. May help awaken intuition and inner strength. Helps in calming mind and overthinking. Meditate or listen to this frequency (can be found on Spotify or YouTube)

Aromatherapy: Rosemary, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Lavender

The Root of Your Truth

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and the center of communication. This chakra gives us the ability to embrace and speak our personal/inner truth. Self-expression, truth, clarity, creativity, and communication reside here. 


When we’re connected to this chakra we can honor and express our truth with openness and honesty. We are able to convey our ideas, feelings, thoughts, and intentions out into the world. Our truth does not always require being expressed through words. We can transmit our truth through any form of creative self-expression including writing, dance, painting or music. The beauty of creative self-expression is that it allows us to channel our truth into our own personal brand of art/style. 

And so, this chakra serves as a creative gateway for our lower and upper chakras to be expressed and made manifest. We can bring the desires of our sacral, the power of our solar, and the love in our heart to be emitted through our throat chakra. Similarly, the inspiration that we receive through our crown chakra and the vision that we see for ourselves/the world in our third eye also gets filtered and channeled through the throat.  

Our connection to this chakra not only gives us the capacity to connect to our authentic self-expression, but it also allows us to be open to listening to others, to be receptive to another’s truth. This chakra gives us the ability to find the sweet balance of listening and speaking while compassionately and effectively communicating with others. 

Today’s Practice: We are multidimensional and multi-passionate beings. Below are some questions to reflect on: 

  • Are you allowing yourself to express the full spectrum of your being/truth? 

  • Have you been putting yourself in a box and not fully allowing yourself to explore all aspects of your self-expression/truth?

Remember that we are constantly growing and evolving, and it’s natural to shift into expressing yourself in a new way or to add to how you’re already expressing yourself. Give yourself permission to do so. 

Sanskrit Name: Vishuddi 

Location: Base of the throat 

Element: Ether

Color: Blue

  • Wear the color blue, eat blue foods, work with blue crystals to strengthen this energy center

Affirmation: I speak my truth with confidence and ease. 

Mantra: HAM

  • Practice chanting this. The vibration of this sound is said to activate and cleanse this energy center. Additionally, singing, humming or chanting any song will help to activate and strengthen this chakra.

Sound: ‘eye’ as in my

  • Practice chanting this sound and focus on the vibration of the sound in your body

Frequency: 741 hz

  • Facilitates opening to your authentic self-expression. Can assist in growth of creativity and creative ideas. May help release outer influences, views and ideas, and promote ability to express oneself (can be found on Spotify or YouTube).

Aromatherapy: Peppermint, Sage, Chamomile, Rosemary, Clove.  

The Root of Love


The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and serves as the energetic bridge that connects our lower/physical chakras (root, sacral, solar) to our upper chakras (throat, third eye, and crown) also known as our spiritual chakras. Acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and love reside in this energy center. This chakra is the source of unconditional love. Love for ourselves, others, and our environment. It gives us the capacity to feel and connect to the ever-present flow of love that’s all around us. When we’re connected to this chakra, we can be moved by (the beauty of) the world. To breathe it in, hold it in our hearts, and send it back out the world.

The love that lives in our hearts is boundless and limitless. It transcends ego and is powered by divine love. An open heart allows us to give love, unconditionally, with no strings attached, because this is the way of our heart. To give love simply to give love. This is our heart’s true nature. And though our heart loves unconditionally, it is also wise and knows when to take a moment to pause its outpouring in moments when we require giving back to ourselves. To renew and nourish ourselves with our supply.

At the same time, some of us hold this reservoir of love so tightly to our chest not extending it out to others for fear that any ounce of love given will be not be replenished. But that is not the case because whatever we give will come back to us. Maybe not immediately or in the same form that it was given. But it will always be gifted to us in another way, in some other form, at some other time. The energy of love is a continuous cycle. It is never-ending. It is a wellspring.

And yet, many of us were conditioned to not express the truth of our heart, its words, its love, and its desires. Expressing and revealing our heart’s truth is a practice. Being both patient and gentle with ourselves through this process is required. Once we connect to the authenticity of our heart, we may find it easier to express its truths and openly release the loving energy that lives inside of it. To soften to it, and let it breathe outside of us. When we attune to our heart’s truth, listen to its calls and embrace it without judgment, the more easily it becomes to stream its unfiltered essence into the world.

Today’s Practice: Give yourself love through lovingkindness (metta) meditation. When you have a moment, get into a comfortable position, tune into your heart space, and slowly repeat the following out loud or in your mind (3x):

May I be held in lovingkindness.

May I be happy and safe.

May I be healthy in body and in mind.

May I always have enough.

May my heart know peace

Notice how your heart feels after this meditation. The warmth and openness that lives in this center is always available to you, is generated by you, and rests within you.

If you have the capacity to extend love to others today, repeat these wishes to 1) someone that means a lot to you, 2) someone you’ve met casually who you might not know well/someone “neutral”, 3) someone you might have a difficult relationship with, 4) all beings (people and animals everywhere)

Sanskrit Name: Anahata 

Location: center of chest/heart space 

Element: Air 

Color: Green

  • Wear the color green, eat green foods, work with green crystals to strengthen this energy center

Affirmation: I am open to giving & receiving love 

Mantra: YAM 

  • Practice chanting this. The vibration of this sound is said to activate and cleanse this energy center

Sound: ‘ah’ as in saw  

  • Practice chanting this sound and focus on the vibration of the sound in your body

Frequency: 639 hz

  • Facilitates foundation for healthy relationships and interconnection. Enhances communication, understanding and love. Meditate or listen to this frequency (can be found on Spotify or YouTube).

Aromatherapy: Rose, Pine, Jasmine, Lavender